skrip berikut merupakan contoh fungsi untuk membaca ukuran TaskBar Windows.
var hApp : THandle; rcWork : TRect; rcApp : TRect; begin // Ambil parameter desktop rcWork.Top := 0; rcWork.Left := 0; rcWork.Right := Screen.DesktopWidth; rcWork.Bottom:= Screen.DesktopHeight; // ambil parameter TaskBar hApp := FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd',''); if hApp <> 0 then begin GetWindowRect(hApp,rcApp); if rcApp.Right < rcWork.Right then rcWork.Left := rcApp.Right; { bar on left edge } if rcApp.Bottom < rcWork.Bottom then rcWork.Top := rcApp.Bottom; { bar on top edge } rcWork.Bottom:=rcWork.Bottom - rcApp.Bottom;{ bar on top edge } if rcApp.Left > 0 then rcWork.Right := rcApp.Left; { bar on right edge } if rcApp.Top > 0 then rcWork.Bottom := rcApp.Top; { bar on bottom edge } end; |
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