Arsip: Firebird alias record

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more 16 years ago


da yg tau ga caranya query ntuk alias tpi record misal punya 1 kolom punya 2 record T dan F nah pngen nampilinnya nya Close untuk record T dan No Close untuk record F
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more 16 years ago


SELECT T as "Close", F as "No Close" FROM CLOSE_CLOSE_AN
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more 16 years ago


@DE: pake case kali! :P
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more 16 years ago


@simba: wooh... ngga' teliti menelaah pertanyaan :mrgreen: benar pake case! ini gara2 abis begadang di RS - hik :(
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more 16 years ago


xixixixi @DE gara2 rumah sakit nich sapa yg sakit ya {moga cepet sembuh az dech}, bentul kata @simba pke case atw if sample simple

if(Field_name = 'T', 'CLOSE','No Close')
-- or
case when Field_name = 'T' then 'Close' else 'No Close' end
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more 16 years ago


select CASE WHEN status = 'T' THEN 'CLOSE' WHEN status = 'F' THEN 'NO CLOSE' END as STATUS from TABLENAME
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