Arsip: Query

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more 16 years ago


rekan rekan mau tanya : klo misalnya ada table : //Table Master Nomor Tanggal Kode1 //Table Detail Nomor Kode2 Harga Jumlah Total //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////+ // Nomor : // Tanggal : // Kode1 : // //------------------------------------------------------------ // NOmor | Kode2 | Harga | Jumlah | Total //------------------------------------------------------------ // // // // // //------------------------------------------------------------ // Total // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// statement sql nya gimana ya ? supaya hasilnya : |==============================+ | Nomor | Tanggal | Total | |==============================+ | xxxx | yyyyyy | zzzzzzz | | xxxx | yyyyyy | zzzzzzz | |==============================+ select a.Nomor, b.Tanggal, .... from Table1 a, table2 b where a.Nomor = b.Nomor order by Nomor tararengkyu
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more 16 years ago


xixixi mo jawab apa ya, bingung ini pertanyaan dah ke jawab apa emang maksudnya gwe ga ngerti, coba sample datanya skalian bro
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more 16 years ago


kalo susah ya pake query tool khan banyak tuh !!
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more 16 years ago


apa maksutnya mau nampilkan total nomer per tanggal? select a.Nomor, b.Tanggal, count(a.Nomor) from Table1 a, table2 b where a.Nomor = b.Nomor order by Nomor sori kalau salah
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more 16 years ago


select a.Nomor, b.Tanggal, count(a.Nomor) Total from Table1 a, table2 b where a.Nomor = b.Nomor order by Nomor
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more 16 years ago


@ImanD: xixixi mo jawab apa ya, bingung ini pertanyaan dah ke jawab apa emang maksudnya gwe ga ngerti, coba sample datanya skalian bro
:(( itu yang .... (titik - titik) itu pa, kan itu : select a.Nomor, b.Tanggal, .... from Table1 a, table2 b where a.Nomor = b.Nomor order by Nomor itu yang titik titik kan (sum(total) from Table2 where Nomor = :Nomor) biar jadi satu gimana ?
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more 16 years ago


mm... mas slamet mbingungi banget loh,,,

select b.nomor,a.tanggal,sum(
from table1 a, table2 b
where a.nomor = b.nomor
group by b.nomor
order by b.nomor;
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more 16 years ago


@Wong_Jowo: mm... mas slamet mbingungi banget loh,,,

select b.nomor,a.tanggal,sum(
from table1 a, table2 b
where a.nomor = b.nomor
group by b.nomor
order by b.nomor;
ok pa, satu pertanyaan lagi, klo misalnya yang di table detail itu field total nya tidak hanya satu misal total1, total2, total3, dst.... gimana query nya ya ?

select b.nomor,a.tanggal,sum(b.total1, b.total2 )
from table1 a, table2 b
where a.nomor = b.nomor
group by b.nomor
order by b.nomor;
kan ga bisa ?
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more 16 years ago


select b.nomor, a.tanggal, sum(b.total1), sum(b.total2) 
from table1 a, table2 b
where a.nomor = b.nomor
group by b.nomor
order by b.nomor;
coba klo gini
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more 16 years ago


bisa kan... group nya berdasarkan b.nomor, jadi dijumlahkan yang nomornya sama

select b.nomor,a.tanggal,sum(b.total1) as total1, sum(b.total2) as total2
from table1 a, table2 b
where a.nomor = b.nomor
group by b.nomor
order by b.nomor;
more ...
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