Arsip: knapa ya ! kO biSa kayak gini

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more 15 years ago


Project Contoh.exe raised exception clas EAccessViolation with message 'Access violation at address C4E80000. Read of address c40000'. Process stopped. Use Step or Run to continue
ketika aq lakukan pencarian di delphi ko ada error kayak di atas, padahal di pencarian data yang lain tidak knapa" da yang tau penyebabanya ga ?! thank's b4
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more 15 years ago


yang jelas donk nanyanya...!!!
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more 15 years ago


:mrgreen: jajang = ngajaj
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more 15 years ago


language exception-nya di disable/enable?, kali aja ada baris code yg bikin program itu error, klo di enable kali aja mau berhenti di barisnya yg ellol
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more 15 years ago


coba tekan tombol ctrl + F2
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more 15 years ago


Tools -> Debugger Options.. -> General -> (hilangkan centang) Integrated debugging -> OK gmn?? CMIIW..
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