Arsip: Help .. Terjemahin in delphi Dunk ...

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more 15 years ago


@ Master2 Delphi Yang Baik .. saya Newbie In Delphi ... Boleh bantuin terjemahin Source code C

Ini Nda ..??

Penting bgt neh ... Trim's KK .. ini Scriptnya #include<iostream> float fuzzymatch( char pattern, char text ); int srchstr( const char str, char c, int pos ); int main() { char text = new char[256]; char pattern = new char[256]; std::cout << "\nPlease enter some text: "; std::cin.getline( text, 256 ); std::cout << "Enter pattern to search: "; std::cin.getline( pattern, 256 ); float result = fuzzymatch( text, pattern ); std::cout << "\nFuzzy match result = " << result; std::cout << "\nthe above strings "; if( result < 0.59 ) { std::cout << "are not very"; } else if( result >= 0.59 && result < 0.7 ) { std::cout << "are quiet"; } else if( result >= 0.7 ) { std::cout << "are very"; } std::cout << " closed syntacticaly. "; delete text; delete pattern; return 0; } int srchstr( const char str, char c, int pos ) { for(int stroff = pos; str[stroff] != 0; ++stroff) { if(str[stroff] == c) { return stroff; } } return -1; } template<class T> void swap( T &a, T &b ) { T temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } bool is_in( int array, int index, int val ) { for(int i=0; i <= index; i++) { if(array[i] == val) return true; } return false; } float fuzzymatch( char pattern, char text ) { int Plen = strlen(pattern); int Tlen = strlen(text); if (Tlen > Plen) { swap(pattern, text); swap(Plen, Tlen); } float cost = 0.0f; float hit = 0.0f; int Textloc = 0; float min_cost = (float)1/Plen; int hit_pos = new int[Plen]; for(int Textoff = 0; Textoff < Plen; ++Textoff) { Textloc = srchstr( text, pattern[Textoff], 0 ); if ( is_in( hit_pos, Textoff, Textloc )) { int Tempoff = Textloc + 1; while( Tempoff < Tlen ) { Textloc = srchstr( text, pattern[Textoff], ++Tempoff ); if ( Textloc != -1 && !is_in( hit_pos, Textoff, Tempoff )) break; } } if (Textloc != -1) { hit_pos[Textoff] = Textloc; int distance = abs(Textloc - Textoff); cost = distance * min_cost; hit += 1 - cost; } } delete hit_pos; return hit/Plen; } Semoga bisa membantu ...
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more 15 years ago


setau saya kode tersebut bukan C# hehehehe
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more 15 years ago


Itu C++ Master Sudah saya coba ^_^
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more 15 years ago


Monggo Dicoba Di C++ Kalo Anda Kurang yakin ;-)
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more 15 years ago


lumayan panjang... :D :D mudahnya cari padangan fungsi C++ dengan fungsi di delphi, struktur pemrograman di C++ dan struktur pemrograman di Delphi, tipe data yang sesuai... contoh: char *text = new char[256]; -> text:string; std::cout << "\nPlease enter some text: "; -> write('Please enter some text: '); std::cin.getline( text, 256 ); -> readln(text); dst..
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more 15 years ago


@ Mater Lucky : iaa master ... Tapiiii .. banyak juga fungsi2 yang saya blum tau di delphi .. trus cara menuliskanya .. Seperti swap ... Permainan Pointer ... Sepertinya Rumit .. Hhhehehe ...
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more 15 years ago


swapnya dipake untuk 2 tipe data, bikin aja pake function overloading untuk integer dan string. srchstr mirip (variannya) fungsi Pos, yang pointer itu sebetulnya dynamic array aja kok lainnya kode umum nggak aneh2..
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more 15 years ago


@ master Pebbie : Saya Sudaa Bikin Function Di delphi .. Seperti ini functionya

function StrSimilar (s1, s2: string): Integer;
var hit: Integer;
    p1, p2: Integer;
    l1, l2: Integer;
    pt: Integer;
    diff: Integer;
    hstr: string;
    test: array  of Boolean;
  if Length(s1) < Length(s2) then begin
    hstr:= s2; s2:= s1; s1:= hstr;
  l1:= Length (s1);
  l2:= Length (s2);
  p1:= 1; p2:= 1; hit:= 0;
  diff:= Max (l1, l2) div 3 + ABS (l1 - l2);
  for pt:= 1 to l1 do test[pt]:= False;
    if not test[p1] then begin
      if (s1[p1] = s2[p2]) and (ABS(p1-p2) <= diff) then begin
        test[p1]:= True;
        Inc (hit);
        Inc (p1); Inc (p2);
        if p1 > l1 then p1:= 1;
      end else begin
        test[p1]:= False;
        Inc (p1);
        if p1 > l1 then begin
          while (p1 > 1) and not (test[p1]) do Dec (p1);
          Inc (p2)
    end else begin
      Inc (p1);
      if p1 > l1 then begin
        repeat Dec (p1); until (p1 = 1) or test[p1];
        Inc (p2);
  until p2 > Length(s2);
  Result:= 100 * hit DIV l1;
Nah Kalo saya mau manggil function tersebut lewat sebuah procedure procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); Gmana ya Master ... Yg saya ingin cocokkan isi Memo1 dan memo2 .. Dan hasilnya ingin saya tampilkan di Memo3 .. help me all master .. Thx
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more 15 years ago


procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender:TObject);
var i : integer;
function min2(a,b:integer):integer;begin if a<b then result := a else result := b; end;
  {membandingkan seluruh isi memo1 dan memo2}
  Memo3.Lines.Add(inttostr(strsimilar(memo1.lines.text, memo2.lines.text)));
  {membandingkan per baris memo1 dan memo2}
  for i := 0 to min2(memo1.lines.count, memo2.lines.count) do
     Memo3.Lines.Add(inttostr(strsimilar(memo1.lines[i], memo2.lines[i])));
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more 15 years ago


@ Master Pebbbie : Sudaa saya coba master Tapii masii Error :-( .. Errornya bunyinya seperti ini ... [Error] Unit1.pas(36): Illegal character in input file: '&' ($26) [Error] Unit1.pas(36): Undeclared identifier: 'Max' [Error] Unit1.pas(47): Illegal character in input file: '&' ($26) [Error] Unit1.pas(51): Illegal character in input file: '&' ($26) [Error] Unit1.pas(55): Illegal character in input file: '&' ($26) [Error] Unit1.pas(57): Illegal character in input file: '&' ($26) [Error] Unit1.pas(63): Illegal character in input file: '&' ($26) [Error] Unit1.pas(68): 'END' expected but 'UNTIL' found [Error] Unit1.pas(70): 'UNTIL' expected but 'END' found [Error] Unit1.pas(76): Illegal character in input file: '&' ($26) [Error] Unit1.pas(81): For loop control variable must be simple local variable [Error] Unit1.pas(84): ';' expected but '.' found [Error] Unit1.pas(86): Declaration expected but end of file found Mohon Bimbingannya Master....
more ...
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