Arsip: error soap action di webservice...

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more 18 years ago


tulung dunk.. sy lg explore bikin webservices client, trus service nya sy coba "QuranService" yg ada di xmethod wsdl nya: "" setelah sy run di delphi raise error: "SOAPAction shall match...dst" kira2 salah nya dmana ya? koding nya sbb: hasil wsdl importer nya:
unit QuranService;
  //              //
  QuranPortType = interface(IInvokable)
    function  getVerseEnglish(const chapter: WideString; const verse: WideString): WideString; stdcall;
    function  getVerseArabic(const chapter: WideString; const verse: WideString): WideString; stdcall;
    procedure getVerse(const chapter: WideString; const verse: WideString; out english: WideString; out arabic: WideString); stdcall;
  //                //
sedangkan test code sy:
uses QuranService;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var AQuranPortType:QuranPortType;
  AQuranPortType := HTTPRIO1 as QuranPortType;
mohon bantuannya nya yach... ga mudheng niy..
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more 18 years ago


procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var data1,data2 : string; AQuranPortType:QuranPortType; begin HTTPRIO1.WSDLLocation:=''; AQuranPortType := HTTPRIO1 as QuranPortType; Memo1.Lines.Text:=AQuranPortType.getVerseEnglish(data1,data2); end; silahkan coba kode diatas mas.....
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more 18 years ago


msh sama mas... raise nya: :!: SOAPAction shall match 'uri#method' if present(got '',expected'#chapter') error msg kya gini sy lom tau maksudnya apa..
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more 18 years ago


om-om, mas-mas, or rekan2 smuanya.. lanjut nanya lagi deh yes... about web service pliz......... ada ga yach... kondisi2 tertentu yg nanti nya berpengaruh ama bisa-nggak nya suatu web service utk bs di consume ama delphi. apakah itu mungkin berdasarkan background development web sevice-nya yg dibuat pake apa... or apakah itu mungkin jg kt bs liat dr struktur wsdl -nya, shg ntar tu sebelum coding kt dah bs taw bhw method A di service B tu bs dipake apa nggak... btw utk sample case aja dari web service yg sy pake diatas, pas sy import pake ada baris remark giniy di file .pas nya
// CODEGEN: The operation binding 'getVerseEnglish' from namespace '' was ignored.  
// The combination of style=rpc with use=literal is not supported.
apa bener ya klo dah gini kondisinya niy service emang ga bs di akses pake delphi ataw emang perlu trik-nya... { gentleman plz... i beg on you } { hehehe... gw niy bisa nya cuma delphi doank siy, so panic klo bs } o'rite then.. nuhun pisan punteun sadayana.. compiled..!,
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more 18 years ago


Please refer to specs defined in RFC 2396.
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more 18 years ago


memang perlu diperhatikan. seksama. masalah compabilitas. versi yang terbaru belum tentu mendukung. malah cenderung menurun kinerjanya. selamat ultah buat nov.
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more 18 years ago


Assalamualaikum I don't know much about Delphi, but have you tried using "String" type as the parameters? Wassalam
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