Arsip: catastrophic failur

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more 18 years ago


Mas mau nanya nih klo catastrophic failur itu penyebabnya kenapa ya??? thank's ya sebelumnya[/b]
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more 18 years ago


bweh.. istilahnya manthab... catastrophic.. eh, ini artinya apa yah? kesalahan yang maha dahsyat? gue nunggu juga sampe ada yang jelasin ahhh..
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more 18 years ago


mm apa ya.. kayaknya cukup luas penyebab pastinya, tetapi saya paling sering menemuinya pas akses database, walaupun pernah juga nemuin pas akses non-database.
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more 14 years ago


ikut ngantri jawaban dari para sesepuh :oops:
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more 14 years ago


macam2 penyebab error message catastrophic failur, sebaiknya, diposting saja sebagian codingnya jadi permasalahan akan jelas
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more 14 years ago


Exception handling is appropriate for errors whose chances of occurring are low or difficult to assess, but whose consequences are likely to be catastrophic (such as crashing the application); for error conditions that are complicated or difficult to test for in if...then statements; and when you need to respond to exceptions raised by the operating system or by routines whose source code you don't control. Exceptions are commonly used for hardware, memory, I/O, and operating-system errors.
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