Arsip: Safely remove hardware

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more 17 years ago


Ada yang tau kode untuk "Safely remove hardware" usb nggak. kalo nampilin dialognya sih pake "RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll" tapi nggak langsung ke remove gimana caranya biar langsung ke remove kaya fitur 'eject' U3nya kingstone
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more 17 years ago


cabut aja langsung flashdisknya pasti ke remove sori bos mo buat virus ya? kalo dah jadi bole minta gak. lumayan buat koleksi
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more 17 years ago


he tikuzz... mana ada virus yg iseng nge-reject external device... kalo tikuzz mungkin kali ya hahaha
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more 17 years ago


nggak bang tikuz pikirannya ngeres aja (~_~)y. G pingin buat launcher program portable apps kaya U3 punyanya kingstone.
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more 15 years ago


Nih ada "jast litel kode from mi...?" jast trai diz..... =============================================================== Safely Remove USB Mass Storage Device (Unplug/Eject USB) program USBEject; uses Windows; const setupapi = 'SetupApi.dll'; type HDEVINFO = THandle; PSP_DEVINFO_DATA = ^SP_DEVINFO_DATA; SP_DEVINFO_DATA = packed record cbSize: DWORD; ClassGuid: TGUID; DevInst: DWORD; Reserved: DWORD; end; function SetupDiGetClassDevsA(ClassGuid: PGUID; Enumerator: PChar; hwndParent: HWND; Flags: DWORD): HDEVINFO; stdcall; external setupapi; function SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(DeviceInfoSet: HDEVINFO; MemberIndex: DWORD; DeviceInfoData: PSP_DEVINFO_DATA): boolean; stdcall; external setupapi; function SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(DeviceInfoSet: HDEVINFO): boolean; stdcall; external setupapi; function CM_Get_Parent(pdnDevInst: PDWORD; dnDevInst: DWORD; ulFlags: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall; external setupapi; function CM_Get_Device_ID_Size(pulLen: PDWORD; dnDevInst: DWORD; ulFlags: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall; external setupapi; function CM_Get_Device_IDA(dnDevInst: DWORD; Buffer: PChar; BufferLen: DWORD; ulFlags: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall; external setupapi; function CM_Locate_DevNodeA(pdnDevInst: PDWORD; pDeviceID: PChar; ulFlags: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall; external setupapi; function CM_Request_Device_EjectA(dnDevInst: DWORD; pVetoType: Pointer; pszVetoName: PChar; ulNameLength: DWORD; ulFlags: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall; external setupapi; function IsUSBDevice(DevInst: DWORD): boolean; function CompareMem(p1, p2: Pointer; len: DWORD): boolean; var i: DWORD; begin result := false; if len = 0 then exit; for i := 0 to len-1 do if PByte(DWORD(p1) + i)^ <> PByte(DWORD(p2) + i)^ then exit; result := true; end; var IDLen: DWORD; ID: PChar; begin result := false; if (CM_Get_Device_ID_Size(@IDLen, DevInst, 0) <> 0) or (IDLen = 0) then exit; inc(IDLen); ID := GetMemory(IDLen); if ID = nil then exit; if (CM_Get_Device_IDA(DevInst, ID, IDLen, 0) <> 0) or (not CompareMem(ID, PChar('USBSTOR'), 7)) then begin FreeMemory(ID); exit; end; FreeMemory(ID); result := true; end; procedure EjectUSB(); const GUID_DEVCLASS_DISKDRIVE: TGUID = (D1: $4D36E967; D2: $E325; D3: $11CE; D4: ($BF, $C1, $08, $00, $2B, $E1, $03, $18)); var hDevInfoSet: HDEVINFO; DevInfo: SP_DEVINFO_DATA; i: Integer; Parent: DWORD; VetoName: PChar; begin DevInfo.cbSize := sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA); hDevInfoSet := SetupDiGetClassDevsA(@GUID_DEVCLASS_DISKDRIVE, nil, 0, 2); if hDevInfoSet = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then exit; i := 0; while (SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(hDevInfoSet, i, @DevInfo)) do begin if (IsUSBDevice(DevInfo.DevInst)) and (CM_Get_Parent(@Parent, DevInfo.DevInst, 0) = 0) then begin VetoName := GetMemory(260); if (CM_Request_Device_EjectA(Parent, nil, VetoName, 260, 0) <> 0) then begin if (CM_Locate_DevNodeA(@Parent, VetoName, 0) <> 0) then begin FreeMemory(VetoName); continue; end; FreeMemory(VetoName); if (CM_Request_Device_EjectA(Parent, nil, nil, 0, 0) <> 0) then continue; end; FreeMemory(VetoName); break; end; inc(i); end; SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hDevInfoSet); end; begin if MessageBoxA(0, 'Mo di unplug USB-disk?', 'Konfirmasi', MB_YESNO) = ID_YES then EjectUSB(); end. ==============================================================
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more 15 years ago


@xbox bisa coba yg di bilang @armand_nggele, sama dengan artikel lama Safely Remove USB Mass Storage Device (Unplug/Eject USB)
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more 15 years ago


@armand_nggele piye kabarmu ? wong nggele, buton , sultra, indonesia ? jadi sekarang udah main eject-2 kan nih ? proyekmu apa sekarang ?
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more 15 years ago


proyek apaan jep, kalo poyektor aku ada di kantor.....
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