Arsip: copy file dengan parameter date modified
more 17 years ago
Bro... tulung dong
gmn copy paste file tertentu ke folder tertentu dengan filter date modified file tadi
tks b4 :?:
more 17 years ago
kalo copy biasa, pake fungsi CopyFile.. di search aja.. dah sering di bahas..
Kalo ngerubah file date, kalo gak salah pake fungsi FileAttrib.. eh..err.. apa yah untuk ngerubah tanggal... Coba yang diinstal Delphi di kompi nya, teken F1.. hehehe..
more 17 years ago
dari post @zeal...........
1. file kita cek file date dgn fungsi FileAttrib......
2. jika date sesuai yg diinginkan maka copy file tersebutCopyFile.........
more 17 years ago
WAH. Apaan lagi Itu FileAttrib ...
gak mudeng blas aku.
Kalau boleh tahu, minta penjelasanya dong? hehehehee
more 17 years ago
nih bro yudho ... scodenya buat find file
procedure TfrMain.FileSearch(const PathName, FileName : string; const InDir : boolean; FileDate: TDateTime);
var Rec : TSearchRec;
Path : string;
Path := IncludeTrailingBackslash(PathName);
if FindFirst(Path + FileName, faAnyFile - faDirectory, Rec) = 0 then
// tambahin filter Tanggal
if (FileDateToDateTime(Rec.Time) < FileDate) then
lbFile.Items.Add(Path + Rec.Name);
until FindNext(Rec) <> 0;
If not InDir then Exit;
if FindFirst(Path + '. ', faDirectory, Rec) = 0 then
// tambahin filter Tanggal
if ((Rec.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0) and (Rec.Name<>'.') and (Rec.Name<>'..') and (FileDateToDateTime(Rec.Time) < FileDate) then
FileSearch(Path + Rec.Name, FileName, True,FileDate);
until FindNext(Rec) <> 0;
end; //procedure FileSearch
more 16 years ago
tolong dong gimana kalaw saya maw simpen file'a lewat network
jadi filenya saya simpen ke server, saya sudah coba langsung di tujukan ke ip adress'a tapi belum berhasil
mohon pencerahannya
more 16 years ago
thread lama mengambang lagi :mrgreen:
1. gunakan standard fungsi copy ke network address, artinya harus ada folder yg di share dng write privilege
2. buat program kecil2an sebagai FTP listener (FTP server), taruh ditarget komputer. upload/download via FTP protokol, atau kalau mau, bisa bikin protokol sendiri berbasis TCP/(UDP?)
more 16 years ago
saya dapet contoh source copyfile dari tips n trik kali aja bermanfaat:
function TInstallForm.CopyFileUsingBuffer(srcFName, destFName: String): Boolean;
{define a buffer as a character array type of length maxBufferSize...}
TMyBufferArray = array of char;
{and define a pointer type to point into the buffer...}
TMyBuffer = ^TMyBufferArray;
buffer: TMyBuffer;
srcFile, destFile: File;
bytesRead, bytesWritten, i: LongInt;
readOrWriteError: Boolean;
bytesRead := 0;
try {to allocate memory for the buffer...}
getmem(buffer, maxBufferSize);
AssignFile(srcFile, srcFName);
AssignFile(destFile, destFName);
try {to open both source and destination files...}
reSet(srcFile, 1);
reWrite(destFile, 1);
{put source file data into into the buffer
and write buffer to destination file...}
blockRead(srcFile, buffer^, sizeof(buffer^), bytesRead);
blockWrite(destFile, buffer^, bytesRead, bytesWritten);
until ((bytesRead < maxBufferSize) or (bytesRead = 0)
or (bytesWritten <> bytesRead));
end; {putting source file data into memory}
except on E: EInOutError do
{you COULD call some kind of GetError routine here
to retrieve the exact error code if you wanted to...}
readOrWriteError := True;
end; {trying to open source file}
freemem(buffer, maxBufferSize);
if (readOrWriteError = True) then Result := True;
if (readOrWriteError = False) then Result := False;
more ...
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