Arsip: Tanya istilah package dong......

more 18 years ago
1.begini nih aku gk paham apa bedanya design package ma runtime package, tolong dijelaskan ya .......
2.Terus kalo kita mendistrubusikan program kita apa yg perlu disertakan, soalnya aku distrubisikan program ke kompi yg gk ada delphinya banyak bgt erornya.... intinya gk ketemu file2 bpl dsb.
3. tolong juga ya dijelasin bpl tu apa, bpc, dpk dsb.
4. terus master2 delphi kalo nginstal component baru biasanya gimana?
trima kasih....... very much. :D

more 18 years ago
borong nih.... semoga ga cape jawabnya....
1. ya namanya juga design ya untuk design, runtime ya untuk runtime gampang kan.
2. makanya kalo ngompile-nya diinclude aja kalo ga mao repot (build with runtime package enable).
3. cape deh.... hehehehehhe.
4. baca help/readmenya juga.
kamu ini kurang banyak baca. yg menantang gitu pertanyaannya....

more 17 years ago
eng....... iya deh coba entar aku baca2 lagi readmenya.
untuk nomor 2, justru itu yg aku bingung, ketika build with runtime package diklik, kan banyak tu packagenya, waktu di kompi lain justru ada pesan2 file2 bpl gk ada.
tp waktu bbrapa package kuhapus malah jalan tuh di kompi lain. makanya aku malah bingung, soalnya dulu kagak gitu, atau aku yg lupa ya.
hehehehehe...... peace.........

more 17 years ago
ikutan aahhh:
2.bpl = borland package library = dll-nya Borland. (kalau di VB namnya VBrun.dll kalau di MFC C++ namanya mfc .dll)
karena buatan Borland jadi gak otomatis terinstal dengan Windowsnya, beda dengan VB dan MFC dll)
3.file bpl standard (rtl dan vcl ).bpl kurang lebih 1,4 MB jadi kalau buat aplikasi yang kurang dari 1 MB tidak dianjurkan dikcompile dgn option Build With Runtime Package. Tetapi jika aplikasi anda lebih besar dari 2 MB option ini cukup bagus untuk mengurangi total filesizenya, tapi ya itu harus disertakan rtl dan vcl bplnya juga bpl lainnya jika ada komponen third party.
4. Install kompenen baru tergantung kompenenya, kalau turunan asli dari klas Standard biasanya cukup dengan file .pas nya saja, tetapi kalau banyak unit yang di include dan resource yang beraneka ragam biasanya dipaketkan dalam .dpk (berisi bpl,pas,dcu,res dsb)

more 17 years ago
engg...... kalo di build with runtimenya aku dah masukin misalnya paket tertentu katakanlah itu vcl60.bpl, apakah waktu pendistribusian program file vcl60 harus aku ikut sertakan paling tidak 1 folder dg .exenya?
soalnya aku nyoba distribusikan program waktu dibuka vcl60.bpl not found, padahal udah kumasukin di build with runtime package je. tp setelah kukopi vcl60.bpl 1 folder dg exenya br bisa.
mohon penjelasannya.
bingung nih.......... kupikir kalo udah dimasukin ke build with runtime package, gk perlu lg ngikutin itu file2 bplnya. soale diasumsikan komputer yg dituju sama sekali gk ada delphinya.

more 17 years ago
Lihat pada bagian "Deploy"
@Deploy: 1. General Application Deployment =========================================================== Delphi 7 applications do not require an interpreter. In general, all you have to provide is your .EXE file and any DLLs or BPLs that it calls. For simple applications you can distribute a standalone .EXE file. CLX applications are an exception to this as you must always redistribute qtintf70.dll for VisualCLX applications. If you have used runtime packages with your application, be sure to include all required BPLs with your distribution. 2. Components and Packages =========================================================== 2.1 Distributing Custom Packages -------------------------------- If you distribute Delphi 7 packages to other developers, be sure to supply both .DCP and .BPL files. You will probably also want to include .DCU files as well as documentation. Package Collection (.DPC) files, created with the Package Collection Editor, offer a convenient way to distribute all the files associated with a package or group of packages. 2.2 Borland Runtime Packages ---------------------------- In accordance with the General Terms That Apply to Compiled Programs and Redistributables, you may redistribute Borland-supplied runtime packages only for the purpose of executing Works created with Delphi. You may not modify these packages in any way. By default the redistributable runtime packages are installed in the system-files directory of the computer (commonly this is the \windows\system on Windows98, \WINNT\System32 on Windows 2000 and Windows XP computers). Although this software may include packages other than those listed below, only the packages identified below as redistributable may be redistributed by you. You may NOT redeploy Borland-supplied design-time-only packages. You may not recompile or redistribute any Borland-supplied components or libraries for use by other developers. Packages that you develop may not have the same names as Borland-supplied packages. If you distribute component libraries or other packages, it is recommended that you avoid using the default DCLUSR package name, since this will cause naming conflicts with other developers. 2.3 Runtime packages: Architect and Enterprise Editions ----------------------------------------------------------- If you are a licensed user of Delphi 7 Architect or Enterprise, redistributable runtime packages include the following: adortl70.bpl bdertl70.bpl cc3260mt.dll dbexpress70.bpl dbrtl70.bpl dbxcds70.bpl dclaxserver70.bpl dcloffice2k70.bpl dclofficexp70.bpl dsnap70.bpl (ClientDataSet Redistributable) dsnapcon70.bpl (ClientDataSet Redistributable) dsnapent70.bpl (ClientDataSet Redistributable) dss70.bpl ibevnt70.bpl ibxpress70.bpl inet70.bpl inetdb70.bpl inetdbbde70.bpl inetdbxpress70.bpl intrawebdb_50_70.bpl intraweb_50_70.bpl midas.dll (ClientDataSet Redistributable) qrpt70.bpl qtinf70.dll rave50clxbe70.bpl rave50vclbe70.bpl rtl70.bpl soaprtl70.bpl stdvcl32.dll stdvcl40.dll tee70.bpl teedb70.bpl teeqr70.bpl teeui70.bpl vcl70.bpl vclactnband70.bpl vcldb70.bpl vcldbx70.bpl vclie70.bpl vcljpg70.bpl vclshlctrls70.bpl vclsmp70.bpl vclx70.bpl visualclx70.bpl visualdbclx70.bpl webdsnap70.bpl websnap70.bpl xerceslib.dll xercesxmldom.dll xmlrtl70.bpl

more 17 years ago
ooooooo........... jadi tetep harus sertain bplnya yah.........
eng... kalo file dll/bpl nya ku jadikan resource terus kumasukkan jadi satu ama exenya bisa gk ya? ntar mau kucoba biar keliatan lebih simple.
hihihi..... maaf... aku postingnya kdg seminggu sekali.... paling pol seminggu 2x.
thx all.

more 17 years ago
lho, kalo maksudnya bpl nya mau dimasukkan sebagai resource di exe, apa malah gak efektif dan gak simple, lebih repot. Yang enak ya tinggal built single exe file (uncheck opsi Built with runtime packages), file bpl nya udah diinclude ama compiler secara otomatis..
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