Arsip: Menampilkan Hasil Perintah DOS di Memo

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more 18 years ago


Mas mas, mau ngangsu kawruh.... tanya kalo kita mo menampilkan HASIL perintah yang kita jalankan pake Winexec() ke dalam memo gimana ya??? misalnya kita jalankan perintah "PING 172.16.xx.xx" kemudian hasilnya: Pinging 172.16.xx.xx with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 172.16.xx.xx : bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128 ... Ping statistics for 172.16.xx.xx : Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), ... ditampilkan di memo... matur nuwun.
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more 18 years ago


Verbos output :)
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more 18 years ago


verbos??? panganan opo kuwi mas??? makanan apa tuh? gimana caranya? verbos/ di help=verbose?
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more 18 years ago


saya taunya pake komopnen JvCreateProcess dari Jedi. tinggal seting aja property - ConsoleOptions := [coOwnerData, coRedirect]; - StartupInfo.ShowWindow := swHide; - StartupInfo.DefaultWindowState := false; trus di event OnRead nya dituliskan kemana output akan dikirim, misal proc.... OnRead.... begin memo.Lines.Add(S); end; semoga bisa membantu untuk lebih jelasnya hubungi file manual :D
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more 18 years ago


wah tengkyu mas di2t, aku dah lama pake jedi tp g tau JvCreateProcess...kekekeekekeeke Jedi opensource kan...jd bs diliat source nya kali... matur nuwuuuun....
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