Arsip: AQ3: Cannot Perform this operation an a closed dataset

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more 12 years ago


bantu donk . . ku masih newbie di delphi, and ku lagi bikin program pi ada pesan error AQ3: Cannot Perform this operation an a closed dataset AQ3 itu adoQuery mohon para master, carana gimana ya wat benerin errornya? procedure TFrmHargaBarang.E2Enter(Sender: TObject); begin if AQ3.Locate('Kd_Brg',E1.Text,) then begin E2.Text:= AQ3['Hrg_Sat']; if (AQ2.Locate('Kd_Brg',E1.Text,)) AND (B3.Caption = '&Simpan') then begin E4.Text:= AQ2['Hrg_Brg']; MessageDlg('Harga Barang Ini Telah Tersimpan!',mtInformation,[MBOK],0); TKosong(Sender); end else if (AQ2.Locate('Kd_Brg',E1.Text,)) AND (B3.Caption = 'Up &Date') then begin E4.Text:= AQ2['Hrg_Brg']; end else if (AQ2.Locate('Kd_Brg',E1.Text,)) AND (B3.Caption = '&SimUp') then E4.Text:= AQ2['Hrg_Brg']; end; if Length(Trim(E2.Text)) <> 0 then begin hrgbeli:= StrToFloat(E2.Text); hrgjual:= hrgbeli * 10 / 100; E3.Text:= FloatToStr(hrgjual); E4.Text:= FloatToStr(hrgbeli + hrgjual); end; end; tanda merahnya ada di if AQ3.Locate('Kd_Brg',E1.Text,) then mohon bantuannya and thanks before . .
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more 12 years ago


oya wat bahan pelengkap ku pake databasenya oracle . .
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more 12 years ago


@ade_jm: bantu donk . . ku masih newbie di delphi, and ku lagi bikin program pi ada pesan error AQ3: Cannot Perform this operation an a closed dataset AQ3 itu adoQuery mohon para master, carana gimana ya wat benerin errornya? procedure TFrmHargaBarang.E2Enter(Sender: TObject); begin if AQ3.Locate('Kd_Brg',E1.Text,) then begin E2.Text:= AQ3['Hrg_Sat']; if (AQ2.Locate('Kd_Brg',E1.Text,)) AND (B3.Caption = '&Simpan') then begin E4.Text:= AQ2['Hrg_Brg']; MessageDlg('Harga Barang Ini Telah Tersimpan!',mtInformation,[MBOK],0); TKosong(Sender); end else if (AQ2.Locate('Kd_Brg',E1.Text,)) AND (B3.Caption = 'Up &Date') then begin E4.Text:= AQ2['Hrg_Brg']; end else if (AQ2.Locate('Kd_Brg',E1.Text,)) AND (B3.Caption = '&SimUp') then E4.Text:= AQ2['Hrg_Brg']; end; if Length(Trim(E2.Text)) <> 0 then begin hrgbeli:= StrToFloat(E2.Text); hrgjual:= hrgbeli 10 / 100; E3.Text:= FloatToStr(hrgjual); E4.Text:= FloatToStr(hrgbeli + hrgjual); end; end; tanda merahnya ada di if AQ3.Locate('Kd_Brg',E1.Text,) then mohon bantuannya and thanks before . .
error AQ3: Cannot Perform this operation an a closed dataset AQ3, terjadi karena AQ3 belum di Open. procedure TFrmHargaBarang.E2Enter(Sender: TObject); begin AQ3.Open; //<--- Open query AQ3 if AQ3.Locate('Kd_Brg',E1.Text,) then begin E2.Text:= AQ3['Hrg_Sat']; if (AQ2.Locate('Kd_Brg',E1.Text,)) AND (B3.Caption = '&Simpan') then begin E4.Text:= AQ2['Hrg_Brg']; MessageDlg('Harga Barang Ini Telah Tersimpan!',mtInformation,[MBOK],0); TKosong(Sender); end else if (AQ2.Locate('Kd_Brg',E1.Text,)) AND (B3.Caption = 'Up &Date') then begin E4.Text:= AQ2['Hrg_Brg']; end else if (AQ2.Locate('Kd_Brg',E1.Text,)) AND (B3.Caption = '&SimUp') then E4.Text:= AQ2['Hrg_Brg']; end; if Length(Trim(E2.Text)) <> 0 then begin hrgbeli:= StrToFloat(E2.Text); hrgjual:= hrgbeli 10 / 100; E3.Text:= FloatToStr(hrgjual); E4.Text:= FloatToStr(hrgbeli + hrgjual); end; end;
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more 12 years ago


[Warning] FHBarang.pas(7): Unit 'FileCtrl' is specific to a platform kalo ini error napa ya kk? and yang tadi malah keluar pesan error lagi tapi beda is not valid integer value . .
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more 12 years ago


@ade_jm: [Warning] FHBarang.pas(7): Unit 'FileCtrl' is specific to a platform kalo ini error napa ya kk? and yang tadi malah keluar pesan error lagi tapi beda is not valid integer value . .
untuk [warning] FHBarang.pas(7): Unit 'FileCtrl' is specific to a platform Apa Anda pakai OS bukan Windows ? kalau program nya proses dgn benar warning ini bisa diabaikan. is not valid integer value . . Apa muncul di AQ3.OPEN ? Kalau muncul di open coba cek di syntax SQL apa ada perintah StrToInt, kalau ada berarti ada nilai String yg tdk bisa di convert ke Integer. Misal nya nilai yg ada desimal nya. Contoh Kalau string StrToInt('20.34') akan muncul error spt itu.
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more 12 years ago


Cannot Perform this operation an a closed dataset biasanya tabelnya tidak aktif. kalau table berarti belum menjalankan perintah OPEN. kalau FileCtrl' is specific to a platform kan cuman warning, bukan berarti error. mungkin yah uses FileCtrl hanya bisa jalan dispesifik sistem operasi misalnya hanya bisa jalan di windows saja. mudah2an membantu
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